
Beziehungsmuster: Ein Weg zu dauerhafter Liebe: Welches ist deines?


Have you ever noticed how you and your partner treat each other on a regular basis? These are the so-called relationship patterns. Do you know what that is? Understanding them will help you reconnect with your partner!

While relationships are often full of love and joy, they can also contain areas of conflict that, when triggered, lead to misunderstandings and tension.

Perhaps one partner constantly wants to know where the other is while the other thrives in digital solitude, leading to arguments over smartphone apps.

Recent research has explored the concept of “Relationship Pattern Labeling” (RPL), presenting an approach to improving well-being in a relationship that can impact both emotional and physical health.

What are relationship patterns?

Relationship patterns are the repetition of familiar behaviors across different people we encounter in our lives. These patterns, which occur in various relationships such as relationships, friendships and work, have both positive and negative effects.

They influence three fundamental aspects: the type of people we choose, the way we interact with them during the relationship, and the boundaries we set for them around us.

These patterns shape our choice of partner, interaction dynamics and our self-worth in the relationships we maintain.

By understanding and evaluating these patterns, we can make conscious decisions, promote healthier interactions, and build more fulfilling relationships in different areas of our lives.

12 examples of relationship patterns

Have you ever wondered which of the 12 basic patterns suits you and your partner? It turns out that recognizing relationship patterns can actually bring you closer. Do you want to try it and strengthen your intimacy?

Then let’s take a closer look at the 12 fascinating relationship patterns from the study:

  1. Cactus/Fern Dynamic: In this relationship, one partner thrives on emotional closeness while the other values ​​their personal space and privacy. It’s a dance between seeking connection and respecting boundaries.
  2. Introvert/Extrovert Harmony: The introvert/extrovert duo seeks a delicate balance between solitude and social engagement. The balance between the need for quiet introspection and the dream of lively interactions shapes the rhythm of this partnership.
  3. Approach/withdrawn interaction: Here one partner longs for emotional connection, while the other occasionally feels overwhelmed and seeks distance. The ebb and flow between intimacy and autonomy becomes the core of their relationship.
  4. Emotional/Logical Nexus: This pair finds its foundation in opposing approaches. One partner acts from the heart and is driven by their feelings, while the other focuses on logical thinking. The interplay between feelings and rationality shapes their relationship.
  5. Mutual Avoidance Nexus: Partners caught in this pattern avoid addressing problems directly and prefer to avoid potentially difficult conversations. It is a dance of avoidance in which problems often remain hidden.
  6. Criticize/defend dance: Regular criticism from one partner triggers a reflexive self-defense mechanism in the other. This push-and-pull dynamic tests communication and vulnerability in the relationship.
  7. Balancing act of mutual blame: In the dynamic of mutual blame, both partners point the finger at the other when problems arise. This complicated dance explores responsibility and the shifting sands of responsibility.
  8. Interplay between mountains and hills: In this relationship, one partner tends to magnify problems while the other downplays them. The challenge is to find a common reality, even when there are different views on the severity of the problems.
  9. Confluence of the miser and the saver: Partners with different financial ideas – one inclined to spend, the other to save – must reconcile their ideas about managing resources and achieving common financial goals.
  10. Teacher/Student Exchange: Here one partner naturally takes on a teaching role while the other resists conformity. The journey is a dance between sharing wisdom and allowing self-discovery.
  11. Dreamer/Realist Spectrum: Fantasy and practical experiences mix when one partner dreams big while the other remains grounded in reality. It is important to combine these dreams with realistic plans.
  12. Conventional/Unconventional Fusion: This duo balances stability and adventure. One partner seeks everyday predictability while the other embraces the unconventional, resulting in a journey full of comfort and excitement.

Every relationship has its own unique mix of patterns that shape interactions and experiences. Acknowledging and naming these patterns helps couples understand, communicate, and change their dynamic.

Recognizing and understanding our relationship patterns is important for personal growth. These patterns are not inherently good or bad, but it is important to recognize their strengths and challenges. It’s important to talk openly about these patterns with the people around us.

6 Ways to Cultivate Self-Love and Change Negative Relationship Patterns:

  • Positive Mirroring: Treat yourself as you would a friend – acknowledge your strengths and forgive your weaknesses.
  • Learn from patterns: Reflect on past relationships to identify negative trends and actively work to break them.
  • Prioritize self-care: Regularly engage in activities that improve your mood and well-being.
  • Set Boundaries: Clearly communicate your needs and boundaries in a relationship to promote a healthier dynamic.
  • Positive Affirmations: Replace self-criticism with kind self-talk to build a foundation of self-love.
  • Strive for growth, not perfection: Choose personal growth over striving for perfection and leave room for mistakes and learning on your path to healthier relationships and self-love.

Now that you understand the psychology of relationship patterns, tell us in the comments which pattern you belong to!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What are relationship patterns?
They are consistent behaviors and reactions that shape our interactions with others.

Why do people repeat relationship patterns?
People often repeat relationship patterns out of familiarity, comfort, or to heal past experiences.

How do you recognize chronic patterns in relationships?
Recognition of relationship patterns is evident through recurring themes, reactions, and outcomes over time.


  • Ilse Dietrich

    Ilse ist eine Lifestyle-Bloggerin und eine Influencerin. Sie hat vielen Menschen durch ihre Artikel zur Selbstverbesserung geholfen. Sie liebt es, Bücher zu lesen und neue Orte zu erkunden. Mir macht es Spaß, über eine Reihe von Themen zu forschen - Wissenschaft, Psychologie und Technologie. Sie glaubt, dass Ihr Verstand das größte Werkzeug ist, das man je brauchen wird. Es scheint, dass es auch weiterhin ihr Erfolgsgeheimnis ist.

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